From Script to Screen | Step Outline (Edited)
*camera shows notice board filled with newspaper clippings, then pans to Bennett putting latest murder file into cold case folder*
Joseph Kane informs Bennett of the
latest murder which took place at the Andromeda Theatre
Bennett hurriedly throws his coat
and scarf on
Bennett arrives at the Andromeda
with police standing guard around the entrance and enters
He steps into the theatre, holding the door open
for the leaving 3 Police Detectives (who give him disgusted and quizzical looks
as they pass)
Bennett walks down the aisle to the dead body
Bennett takes off his coat and scarf,
laying them over a chair on the other side of the aisle, then turns back to the
body while pulling up his shirt sleeves past his elbows. He lowers his body to
get a better look at the victim who is slouched in the chair, with his head
leant over the back
Bennett notices a silver padlock
pierced through the flesh on the man’s chest
Bennett pulls on black gloves and
gently moves the padlock to see the back
Bennett pulls a pad and pencil out
of his breast pocket and jots down the number ‘7’
Bennett throws his coat back on and
rushes to the lobby
Bennett uses a telephone and calls Kane
Kane picks up
Bennett asks for info on the other padlock inscriptions
Kane flicks through files and tells Bennett to visit Frank Kinney, the Pathologist
Bennett “You think he’ll help?”
Kane “I’m sure. He seems to have
taken a bit of a shine to you”
*cuts to Kinney reading last padlock in morgue*
Bennett writes ''
Bennett reads morgue ledger who writes letters again in correct order: 'Kings Pl.' then adds '7'
Bennett looks at locksmiths shop
He calmly walks up the few steps,
stops for a moment and puts his hand on the door
*screen jumps to black*
The bell above the door can be heard ringing, and then the door shuts loudly